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How to brand and grow your cleaning business

Last updated on March 27 2024

Branding is all the pieces of the puzzle that make up your business; it’s who you are and what you’re selling.

First, consider this question: What pops into your mind when you think about a company you love?

  • Do they have an accurate name and logo?
  • Can you identify them from other companies in their field?
  • Do they provide good customer service?
  • Are they consistent?

All of these aspects have to do with their branding. So what comes to mind when people think of YOUR cleaning business?

Everything goes back to your reputation. Branding is the new image you portray, how you interact with customers, and the service you deliver. It’s more than the colors your team wears and the logo you have.

In today’s article, we’re unpacking Angela Brown’s thirteen tips to brand your cleaning business. 

#1 First impressions matter for your maid service

A cleaning client will judge you and your abilities based on first impressions. First impressions really do matter. This is why it is so important to establish a status quo for your brand.

For starters, if your employees look like they just rolled out of bed, it’s difficult to be taken seriously as a company. Your clients expect top-notch service.

In Angela Brown’s cleaning business, she requires her employees to have “cleaned back” hair during their work day, meaning that everyone’s hair is either gelled, polished, or pulled back so that strands aren’t falling during a cleaning appointment. A tidy look is part of Angela’s company brand. Is it part of yours?

You’ll also want to decide on a uniform that best suits your brand. Your employees should look professional AND be comfortable as they go about their daily tasks. Go one step further and provide non-wrinkle shirts in the cleaning company color. Buy polo shirts made of polyester and microfiber. These shirts wear well, don’t fade, and look nice.

#2 Maintain consistency within your house cleaning business

Once you decide on branding, be consistent!

If you show up looking different each time you arrive at your client’s house, this indicates that something has changed, sending an unconscious message to your clients that the cleaning is changing too. Now, your clients question your employee’s cleaning abilities. 

Clients aren’t trying to judge people based on appearances; it’s just the way our human brains are wired. We naturally feel safer with what we understand and expect.

Consistent brands feel more trustworthy and reliable.

#3 Everything is an extension of your cleaning brand

From your cleaning office staff to your personal vehicle — everything is an extension of your brand.

When you show up to a client’s house and get out of your car, do you open up your trunk to a pile of messy clothes, junk, and garbage? Or, did you show up to the house, open your trunk, and pull out two cleaned and organized caddies?

How do your clients expect you to adequately clean their house if you can’t even keep your work vehicle clean?

Your clients notice little details (and so do their nosy neighbors who watched your vehicle pull up to the house!)

When clients recommend you to a friend, they know that you’re going to look nice, have organized cleaning supplies, and conduct yourself professionally. They’re not just willing to promote you, but they WANT to promote you. After all, a referral is an extension of their taste.

#4 No bad language use in residential cleaning

This may seem a little off topic but we promise it’s important! 

Many people curse, and I am sure the last thing you want to do is be a stickler for language. But some of your customers are personally offended by cursing and/or have young children in the house.

Children’s brains are like little sponges that absorb everything you say. Your cleaners should not be the ones who teach a client’s five-year-old an offensive word.

G-rated language eliminates a major turn-off for clients and is an easy, understandable policy to implement.

#5 Social media awareness for your maid service

Right now it seems like what’s on the internet will last forever — so use it to your advantage!

How you present yourself on social media is crucial. If your brand online is inconsistent with the brand that you’ve created with your customers, then you have a huge discrepancy.  

Every interaction you have on social media is important. Anything that you share online can be screenshotted and posted on a Yelp review, Google review, or a private Facebook page

An error in judgment could stomp out your brand. So, don’t respond on social media if you’ve had a couple of drinks that night. And sometimes you’re just in a bad mood that day from a hard day (we’ve all been there!) so skip social media for a few hours and circle back when you’re in a better state of mind. 

All in all, think before you post a snarky or lewd comment — it could save you thousands of dollars in the long run. 

Need more help with social media and your cleaning business? We’ve got a ton of great free resources in our online magazine. Head here to check them out! 

#6 Work consistency within your domestic cleaning company

As a savvy cleaning business owner, you should create systems that are automated. Creating systems with checklists will make your life easier and remove all of the guesswork for employees and clients. 

Checklists don’t just help you; they help your customers. Clients know what will occur each time they receive a service. If something more needs to be done, you can review the checklist with them and make adjustments as needed.

Consistent regimens and clear checklists show your clients that no matter which employee shows up, they’ll receive the same cleaning service each time.

#7 Customer service for your cleaning business

What’s the bigger picture? What really matters? It all comes down to people, and the bigger picture is how you treat your clients.

If you deal with people, you deal with people’s issues: bad moods, bad days, bad years. These things happen, but you don’t have to let them affect your customer service and delivery.

When dealing with a “negative nelly” client, try to keep in mind that in two hours, you get to go to another house or move on to another task. You and your employees don’t have to deal with this person all day. Unless a client is treating you or an employee poorly, it’s worth hanging in there. A client who pays you $220 every other week for the course of the year represents $5,700!

To learn more about customer service, check out this article: 5 Tips for Top Customer Service.

#8 Protect your cleaning company’s brand

When faced with a question of what to do about a specific request, refer to your brand. If the request boosts your brand, do it. If it harms your brand, don’t.

Do everything according to the brand guidelines that you have chosen and keep those boundaries in place.

When running a cleaning business, unexpected things happen, and that’s okay! Your brand sets the status quo for your cleaning company; not your situation.

#9 Protect your cleaning clients

Clients invite you into their home believing you are a safe person they can trust.  Sure, you’re the expert in the cleaning industry, but your clients need to feel heard and valued.

Consider this: A regular client of yours sees a new incredible looking cleaning solution and does a 1-click purchase. They are “soooo excited” and ask you to use it on their antique wooden furniture.

But you know that this product is NOT good for wood.

Rather than criticize your client on the spot, smile and let them have their moment. Then, explain that because this is not part of your usual cleaning kit, you will need to do some research at your office before using the product. Next time you see this client explain why that product isn’t the best. This shows your client that you are both personable and professional.

Clients have feelings too, and if you protect them, they will appreciate you more for it.

#10 Cleaning client confidentiality

Remember, when you have the type of career that puts you inside people’s homes, you need to make sure your clients feel comfortable and safe. 

While this comes as common sense to most people, it’s an extremely important reminder: DO NOT TALK ABOUT CLIENTS BEHIND THEIR BACKS WITH THEIR NEIGHBORS.

Anything you say can come back to the person you’re talking about. And even if it never comes back to the person you’re talking about, you’ll likely lose trust with the client you’re gossiping with. 

If you find yourself in a situation where one cleaning client asks about another, keep your response short and polite: “They are very nice and I appreciate their business.”  If you gossip about someone, you’ll immediately harm your reputation as a professional. 

#11 Know what you don’t sell

A common mistake that cleaning business owners make is over-promising. If your client asks you to do something that is not part of your package, politely let them know. You’re not being rude; you’re being honest.

For example, a client may ask you to wash her windows. But if you never wash windows as part of your package offerings then you may cause more harm than good. You could leave streaks on the window and end up with a dissatisfied customer.

Over-promising also might prevent you from getting paid for the amount of work you’ve done. If a client asks you to do something extra that is within the scope of your offerings, communicate that there will be an extra charge before you do any extra work. Make sure your employees also know this so they never get caught not knowing what to do while they’re on the job.

#12 Become an expert communicator for your maid service

No one in the world is an expert communicator — we’re human and we make mistakes. Some days are better than others.

So, you can’t take every mood or misstep personally. Sometimes clients pop-off or say something you aren’t comfortable with. They may even miss a payment.

That’s life — stuff happens! Give your clients the benefit of the doubt. Most people aren’t trying to ruin your day or cheat you out of your money.

If you’re struggling with client cancellations, read this article to learn which cancellation policies to put in place for your cleaning business.

#13 Cleaning staff retention

If you’re the kind of company that people want to work for, you’ll never lack rockstar employees!

The best cleaning companies are fun, kind, compassionate, and respectful toward their employees. These great businesses listen to their employees’ ideas and concerns and take them into consideration when making changes.

Everyone wants to work at a place they love. Do your employees love working for you? Read our free resources about hiring and training great employees for your cleaning business on ZenMaid Magazine

To wrap up

We hope these thirteen strategies from Angela Brown will help you build and sustain a great cleaning business brand. Running a cleaning business can be challenging, but we’re here to help you along the way and leave the world a cleaner place than you found it!

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