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How to Use Google To Drive Traffic to Your Cleaning Business Website

Last updated on November 23 2024

“63,000 searches per second happen a day on Google.” -Landon Sanford

If you are looking up anything at all, you are probably using Google. It may have even been how you stumbled upon this article.

This is just how people find things now.

95% of mobile searches are done using Google and 90% of all platforms go through Google as their search engine. In fact, reportedly the average person uses Google 3-4 times a day so this is definitely where you want for your Maid Service to be seen.

Google can help your business using both organic and Pay per Click Ads using an algorithm. This function allows you to type in “cleaning service near me” and it will link the keywords to relevant websites.

Google ranks these sites on the Google Certification page and you have to rank in order to be seen by potential cleaning clients.

Having your cleaning company rank on Google is one of the most crucial ways to grow your Maid Service.

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    Why does your Maid Service’s ranking matter?

    Rankings on Google are important for some obvious reasons, but let’s get specific.

    Ads ranked in the top 3 slots of Google searches get 41% of the clicks. That is 41% of the traffic to those sites.

    If you certify your Maid Service on Google my business then you can get into the 3-pack as an option.

    Organic searches that lead to the top 3, get almost 60% of clicks to their site.

    Either way, with organic or paid ad usage, 75% of all users will never leave page 1 when searching through Google.

    This is why it is so critical to understand Maid Service marketing and how it relates to Google using these two traffic generation methods.

    Use SEO to market your Maid Service

    Search engine optimization (SEO) increases traffic and ranks your website with quality relevant content.

    The best thing about it is that it’s free Maid Service marketing.

    The highest-ranked website when utilizing Google’s search engine will combine a request like “Maid Service” with the location.

    If you have your county or city on your website, then you are more likely to show up when someone searches for cleaning services in that area.

    It isn’t just as easy as that though, you have to use backlinks, internal links (inside your site), meta tags, title tags, the website content all go into SEO.

    Google cares about keyword relevance too.

    So, consider where you are on the ranked list because the higher you are, the more traffic you will get and therefore the more potential cleaning clients

    Additionally, people trust the sites that are at the top of the stack. Ranking builds credibility which is important for cleaning companies as you are in people’s homes and they need to feel that trust with you.

    This is no one-and-done deal though, this is a long-term marketing strategy. SEO requires updates and changes to be regularly made to your Maid Service’s website to get higher in the ranks.

    Don’t forget about your user!

    User experience is one of the key ways that you increase your ranking, traffic flow and the data that comes from traffic.

    Utilize pay per click ads to grow your cleaning company

    When using Pay per Click (PPC) ads, every click will cost you money – but note that only clicks can cost you money.

    Because these are paid ads, you’ll get a lot more clicks doing this style of Maid Service marketing. Google doesn’t get paid until people click, so they are inclined to help your site obtain traffic.

    It can be slow at first but long term is what you’re looking for when using marketing strategies for your home cleaning company.

    Choose your keywords wisely and use other marketing techniques to maximize clicks to your cleaning company’s page.

    You can acquire data quickly using PPC, but set a budget so as to not go overboard. Many people start with $10 a day, know that you can pause anytime you need and continue when you are ready again.

    Know this: paid ad variations are always on top of Google and you start ranking right away, driving cleaning clients to your site with ease.

    Paying will make it easier but it is not without work: although Google does the targeting for you, you must rotate your content periodically to keep it new and fresh.

    Is PPC or SEO better for marketing your Maid Service?

    Honestly, both are great! Marketing always costs either money or time.

    Search engine optimization takes more time, but pay per click ads cost more money, yet both can be utilized for increasing profitability.

    PPC does have the benefit of ranking the same day, however, so can SEO if you are good at it.

    Really, they can both work quickly to get you ranked high on the Google platform.

    If you must make a pro/con list then an easy way to choose between the two is to decide what you have more of: money or time.

    Learn more about both and get engaged with the ranking of your home cleaning service’s site.

    Continue to test your ads on both sides in order to improve your ad game and SEO tactics then reflect what you learn in each marketing strategy.

    Otherwise, use both together to drive as much traffic through your site as possible and dominate the first page of Google and increase your credibility.

    The article above was based on a presentation by Landon Sanford that happened live at the 2019 Maid Summit, hosted and organized by ZenMaid.

    At this online convention, Landon and over 40 other cleaning industry experts held talks for the benefit of Maid Service owners.

    About the Presenter

    Landon Sanford is a certified Google Ads consultant who specializes in working with home cleaning services.

    He is such an expert that he has been dubbed the Google Ads Guru and also works with the team at Rescue My Maid Service.

    Landon knows exactly what is important in marketing for Maid Service owners. He breaks down what you need to know and what isn’t necessary. His ability to boil down marketing to easy to understand concepts means that even the greenest of Maid Service owners understands what they need to do to increase the traffic to their cleaning business website.

    With over 10 years of experience in sales and marketing, Landon now exclusively works with cleaning business owners to help them drive traffic to their websites and grow their business.

    This talk first aired at the 2019 Maid Service Success Summit.

    The Maid Summit is an annual online event that brings together the most successful leaders in the cleaning industry, like Debbie Sardone, Angela Brown, Courtney Wisely, Amy Caris, Chris Schwab and more. Get free access to masterclasses and workshops that will help you to grow, scale and automate your cleaning business so you can get more leads and create more profit. Make sure you’re on our email list to find out how to get free tickets to the next event.

    Stop building your cleaning business alone. Get help, join live Q&As, celebrate wins. Join our free community for maid owners on Facebook