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Maid Service Expert: Tom Stewart Founder of Castle Keepers House Cleaning

Last updated on September 15 2022

Tom Stewart was a logistics and information technology professional before beginning his career in the house cleaning industry as CEO of Castle Keepers House Cleaning over 20 years ago. Castle Keepers uses a centralized model to run multiple branches with many core processes being performed from its home office in Charleston, SC.

Cleaning business owners faced challenges in the 90’s that don’t exist today. Off the shelf software packages designed for the house cleaning industry did not exist, so with limited options Tom began developing software to run Castle Keepers. While this program started as an Access database this 25 year project has evolved to become MaidCentral ™, an enterprise solution for multi-branch house cleaning companies.

In the mid 90’s social media didn’t exist and there was no real community of house cleaning business owners. Tom was one of a handful on business owners to found the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International (ARCSI), and he was one of its early presidents. ARCSI, now a division of ISSA, is the only trade organization for the industry and created a community to professionalize the house cleaning industry.

Tom is a founding member of Castle Keepers Institute, formally known as Cleaning Business Builders. CBB was know for Foundations of Success, a transformational program which helped cleaning businesses implement professional business processes. CKI is the next evolution, with a focus on organization building, professional management, and leadership.

Tom is a co-author of the Professional House Cleaning Technician’s Manual. He is a co-founder and Partner in Cleaning Business Today, the online magazine for the house cleaning industry.

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How Maid Central Customer Feedback Scorecards Make Your Life Easier

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Learn more about Tom Stewart and how you can use Maid Central for your cleaning business, visit his website.

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