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How to Get Clients for Your Cleaning Business: 21 Marketing Ideas

Last updated on December 6 2024

Every house cleaning business can be broken down into 3 parts. The cleanings, the marketing, and the back office systems (a house cleaning business CRM, for example).

Today we’re going to talk about the money maker of the 3: How to market your maid service.

Easier said than done, we know.

With so many shiny marketing ideas out there, it can be hard to know what’s best for your cleaning service.

And before you even consider individual tactics, you need to develop a clear marketing strategy to take strangers and turn them into happy paying customers with sparkling homes (all managed in the best free app for cleaning business)

Establishing a strategic brand, understanding the foundations of marketing and being crystal clear on your value as a business will go a long way in setting up any marketing methods you use for success.

In this article, we’ll first discuss the key things you need to determine before employing any specific marketing tactics. Then share some marketing ideas to use in conjunction with your unique messaging to raise brand awareness. It’s a melting pot of fundamentals and individual tactics, all served up to deliver you 21 marketing tips that can help move the needle and garner the leads you need to grow your maid service or house cleaning business!

Be sure to bookmark this article so you can revisit it later. Learning how to get cleaning business clients isn’t a one time thing. Marketing your brand requires constant attention to figure out what’s working as well as what isn’t.

Marketing your maid service well is the pathway to more clients. Yet before you go spending your cash on the latest advertising techniques, it’s crucial that you have a solid foundation upon which to build your marketing efforts.

By focusing on the first four tips of this post, before implementing any of the others that follow, you’ll not only strengthen your knowledge of marketing — but will have a great brand and business worth promoting.

While some of the latter ideas will require a little more effort and knowledge, most of them aren’t overly complicated and can be done on your own. I’ve also linked to several how-to articles and videos to provide you with additional guidance.

From advertising your cleaning services using Googles Ads and going old school with direct mail to shooting video and tapping into the marketing reach of social media, we’ve got a lot to cover. Let’s dive in.

1. Be Strategic About Your Brand (Most Important)

Your brand is more than just your company name, colors and logo.

Branding encompasses everything from the services you are selling and how you interact with clients to your reputation and the image you portray.

In order to stand out, you need to take a strategic approach to your branding. This means taking into account things like:

  • First impressions with clients
  • Cleaners’ appearance
  • Consistency of your offers
  • The cleaning supplies you use
  • Consistency in your cleanings
  • How you show up on social media
  • Communication with clients
  • Company culture

As you can see, there is a lot more to consider than just your logo and colors!

To learn more about how each of these contributes to your wider brand, watch this video from maid service branding expert Angela Brown.

2. Employ the Right People

This section goes hand-in-hand with being strategic about your branding.

Your employees are the face of your cleaning business. They are who the customers will see and interact with on a regular basis; they represent you as the business owner.

As such, how they present themselves, speak to, and interact with the clients is of the utmost importance.

When hiring, be sure that your employees are trustworthy, qualified, properly trained and represent your cleaning service well. (Understanding how to keep them happy is equally important.)

They should also be trained to handle different situations and difficult conversations that may arise on the job. Heated discussions and unanswered questions are a surefire way to frustrate a customer.

Make sure you hire the right employees for your cleaning business every time by watching this video from hiring and cleaning service expert Pam Washington.

3. Understand the 3 Pillars of Marketing

The biggest mistake most people make when it comes to marketing is not fully understanding what marketing is and what it means for your individual business.

Just because other cleaning companies are doing something — it doesn’t mean you should be doing it too!

No matter what kind of marketing strategy you are employing or what tactics you are using, there are three key pillars you need to be cognizant of.

Whether it’s Facebook ads, direct mail, door hangers, yard signs, networking, referral programs or promotions, it’s all underpinned by the same basic foundations.

The 3 pillars of marketing are:

  1. Hyper-targeting
  2. Personalization
  3. Multi-touch

1. Hyper-Targeting

Are you laser-focused and crystal clear on the ideal cleaning business clients you want to serve?

Be honest here.

If you are bending to particular customers, saying yes to jobs just for the money or putting up with nightmare clients — I hate to break it to you — but that’s a good sign that you aren’t clear on, or at least staying true to, the type of the cleaning industry and clients you want to be serving.

For more help with this, take a look at the section Know Your Target Customers.

2. Personalization

This follows on from being crystal clear about who your target cleaning client is.

Once you have a vivid picture in your mind of who you will serve, personalizing your marketing is the obvious next step.

Personalization allows you to speak directly to your target customers and show them you really understand their world and the challenges they face.

Accurately pinpointing a homeowner’s biggest pain point and describing in detail how their world will change with the help of your team has a dual benefit. Your conversions skyrocket and you will truly serve your customers in a high-level way.

And what happens when you are providing top-quality and personalized customer service?

You get loyal customers for life.

Trying to serve everyone is a highway to failure-ville. Focus instead on your ideal cleaning client and serve them and only them.

(Trust me, you’ll be surprised to learn just how many of these ‘one of a kind’ clients there are out there when you get really specialized!)

3. Multi-Touch

You need to get in front of your ideal cleaning client multiple times.

To clarify — I do mean multiple times. Not just two or even three times.

We live in a very noisy and saturated world. Telling your ideal target market about your latest offer once or twice and expecting them to buy is naive.

It’s the equivalent of standing in a crowd of thousands of people and yelling out your offer to one person in particular.

What are the chances of that person hearing you?

What are the chances of that person even seeing you?

As much as you’d like to believe that a beautifully designed, shiny new flyer highlighting your latest spring promotion will be held up by prospective clients like Mufasa’s baby cub in the Lion King, it’s just not going to happen.

I know that sucks, but it’s the reality of living in a world where people are constantly getting yelled at and sold to by so many businesses.

There are a plenty of ways to market your cleaning business without being annoying, salesy or pushy. To help you find out out how to get in front of your ideal customers in a non-salesy way, see the section: Offer free, value-added content to your market.

This video from maid service and marketing expert, Joshua Latimer, provides additional insight into the 3 pillars of marketing.

4. Know Your Target Customers

The biggest mistake many cleaning business owners make is trying to be local businesses that serve anyone and everyone.

This is a recipe for failure.

It’s crucial to be crystal clear on who you want to serve and then figure out who the target clients for your cleaning business are.

Once you do that, you can use that knowledge and understanding to inform your marketing strategy.

Some examples of niche or target clients markets are:

  • New moms/young families
  • Retirees
  • Busy professionals
  • Small homes or apartments
  • Move ins/move outs

When considering how you are going to get the word of mouth out out, keep this target client in mind. Ask yourself:

  • What do they need?
  • What do they prefer?
  • What is their age range?
  • What are their interests?
  • How much do they earn?
  • How many children do they have?

When you know the answers to these questions, your messaging will write itself.

If you are targeting retirees for example, you aren’t going to talk about how your team will ensure the kids’ playroom is spotless.

For young professionals, you might paint a picture of a spotless, ‘hotel-like’ apartment ready for that Friday night dinner party with friends.

Keep your very specific target client in mind when writing and creating all of your marketing material.

Watch this video to learn more about how and why you need to understand who your target market is.

The video below provides further insight into how to attract your target market.

With the fundamentals covered, it’s now time to look at individual tactics and tips to use. From giveaways and mail outs to video content and SEO, consider whether these ideas are right for your branding and getting in front of your ideal audience.

5. Throw a Party

Have you ever considered throwing a party in your community?

Having a small party is a great way to connect with the community and show your appreciation for your customers!

Choose your top 10-15 customers (budget permitting) and invite them to a picnic at the local park or to a hotdog BBQ. You could even rent out a few lanes at a bowling alley or a small rec space.

Tell each of them to bring a plus-one and let them know it’s a “no strings” invitation. You simply want to say thank you and show your appreciation for their patronage.

I guarantee you, when their neighbor or colleague asks for a recommendation for a cleaning company — they will definitely sell them on you!

I talk more about how (and why) you should consider having a small gathering for your clients in this video.

6. Retarget Those Ads

It’s no secret that customers generally don’t buy a product or service the first time they hear about it.

In fact, the rule of thumb is that they need to have contact with your business six to seven times before you can consider them to be a ‘warm’ prospect and someone who is ready to buy. (We discussed this in section #3.)

Because of this, you need to include retargeting as part of your marketing strategy. To find out more about retargeting and how to use it in your marketing, watch this how-to video.

7. Help Your Customers Find You Online

You’ve got your website up and it’s looking great.

Unfortunately, “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t apply to the internet. At least, not without some help.

Employing some SEO techniques can be very beneficial to your website and business.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

It’s how you effectively increase the amount of quality traffic to your website and improve its ranking on search engines like Google.

SEO can seem intimidating, and I’m not suggesting you spend a lot of time learning every aspect of it (unless you want to). However, it is important to understand the basics in order to optimize the searchability of your website.

Explaining how SEO can serve your marketing efforts (and help you get clients for your cleaning business) is an entire article unto itself.

The short video below provides an introduction to SEO and how it can apply to your maid service website. For a more in-depth look into the workings of SEO, Google and Google advertising, take a look at this video next.

8. Impress the Pants off New Clients

First impressions are critical to gain repeat customers for your cleaning business. Be sure to roll out the red carpet and provide 5-star customer service every time.

We are all customers, so we know exactly what ‘bad customer service’ feels like.

We also know what we do when we receive bad service… We tell everyone we know.

You definitely do not want that for your maid service. Establish a customer service policy and ensure every member of your team is well-trained on it.

Part of this policy might be going the extra mile for cleaning clients and showing them you value their business. This can be done with welcome packs, thank you cards, prompt replies to messages or calls, holiday gifts and much more.

The key with any effective 5-star customer service program is authenticity. When you are able to connect with your cleaning clients in a meaningful way, not only will they feel valued and appreciated, they will more than likely recommend you and your cleaning team to their friends.

For more great ideas and tips on how to ensure top customer service every time, watch this video.

9. Earn Referrals

Happy customers can be your best marketing tool.

When you have a great rapport with your clients and are providing top-notch service every time, they will be happy to refer your services to their friends and neighbors.

Asking your clients for referrals is something you should be doing on a regular basis.

However, I’ve heard some cleaning service business owners say they hate asking for customer referrals too.

When it’s done the right way, it doesn’t need to be pushy or feel like it’s too much of an ask.

Introducing an appealing incentive to your current clients, as explained in the video below, is a win-win for everyone! To find out more about asking clients for referrals, watch this video.

You can also introduce a referral program to your best customers. To find out how, watch the below video from marketing expert Daisy Foster.

10. Offer Free, Value-Added Content

A company blog or social media profiles like Facebook or Instagram can serve as prime real estate for sharing value-added, free content.

The truth is, if you are trying to sell your customers something every time you get in front of them, building an authentic rapport with them is going to be very difficult.

By sharing free and practical advice, tips and information, you will be helping both your existing clients and prospective clients.

When they see the value you are providing for free, they’re sure to ask, “If this is the level of value they provide for free, imagine what I’ll get if I pay for their services!”

Remember how I said that customers need to have, at a minimum, six to seven touch points with your cleaning business before they will even consider opening their wallets?

Sharing great house cleaning advice, how-to tips and valuable health and safety information, can count towards those touch points.

Providing free, no strings attached content (i.e. no sales pitch at the end) allows you to stay top of mind with your current and potential cleaning clients.

And when you are top of mind and someone asks them for a good referral for a cleaning company — guess who they are going to recommend?

I’m willing to bet that not only will they refer you and your team, they will also offer a glowing endorsement of how much more you offer than just a cleaning service.

If writing isn’t your strong suit, that’s okay. A blog isn’t literary art. Make sure your writing is clear, not fluffy and free of spelling mistakes and you’ll be fine.

You don’t need to write a novel, an explanation or step-by-step of what you are describing will suffice. If you’ve got some photos you’ve snapped (and have permission to use them), include those as well.

You could also create a video (your phone is great for this) of you or a team member explaining a cleaning tip or hack. If you’re wondering what qualifies as ‘practical content,’ here are some suggestions:

  • How to get cigarette smoke out of fabrics
  • How to clean old tiles
  • How to get a sparkling clean bathtub
  • How to prepare your house for the cleaner
  • Where to dispose of batteries/appliances/electrical equipment safely
  • How to organize your shelves
  • Recommendations for cleaning supplies

You get the point!

And if you’re still stuck, think about the things you do for clients on a regular basis. What do your cleaning clients ask you and your team about all the time?

For more tips and ideas on what to share on your blog and social media profiles, watch this video.

11. Leave Leave-Behinds

A leave-behind is a little gift or memento that you leave at a cleaning client’s home after a booking.

This can serve as a double-whammy:

  1. It shows your clients you care and will leave them feeling extra pampered.
  2. It’s a quick and inexpensive way to remain top of mind.

Equally, it could be used when promoting your maid service and generating leads in your community. The trick with this idea is to keep your costs down (without looking tacky).

Here are some ideas to consider that won’t break the bank:

  • Pens
  • Magnets
  • Notepads/sticky notes
  • A thank you note
  • Calendars
  • Chocolates
  • Mints
  • Toilet paper stickers
  • Holiday specific cards/mints/chocolates (Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc.)

The key is to make sure they are branded with your company logo, name and contact details. Research wholesalers or options in your area and purchase in bulk to keep costs down. And remember to be strategic about where you leave them.

Some ideas for when to use leave-behinds are:

  • First cleaning/welcome gift
  • As a thank you for being a customer for X months or years
  • During a holiday season
  • Your top, most loved cleaning clients

The only exception to this might be the toilet paper stickers. Wouldn’t this be a great way to leave a subtle indication that your team was there? (Other than the spotlessly clean house, of course!)

Who wouldn’t want their bathroom to feel a bit like a hotel?

Going the extra mile for your current cleaning customers will show them that you value their business. And if they know you value them as a client, they will be happy to refer your company to their friends and neighbors.

For a few more ideas of how to wow your cleaning clients and ensure they will tell their friends and colleagues about your services, watch this video.

12. Request Cleaning Client Reviews

Often, when deciding on a company providing a service such as cleaning, people want to hear about others’ experience of it.

Ask your best and happiest clients to give you a review.

When they do, do yourself one better by thanking them for each review.

People like to be appreciated for the time they took to help your business. This small acknowledgement has the added advantage of further strengthening your established relationships.

While good reviews are wonderful, bad reviews will happen. When they do, make sure you respond to them in a professional manner.

A negative review doesn’t have to be the death of your cleaning business. If a provider responds with grace and resolves to do better next time, this is seen as a positive thing.

Places to get reviews: Facebook, Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, Thumbtack, Home Advisor.

To find out how to get reviews on Google, watch this video.

Note: “Fake it ’till you make it” won’t work here. Ask for reviews and receive them. Do not fake positive reviews here. No one likes a liar liar, and the pants of your cleaning business will absolutely be on fire.

For more in-depth information about getting reviews for your maid service, watch this video.

13. Use Emotional Marketing

Emotional marketing is attaching an emotional connection to your service or product. For this, you need to ask yourself some questions:

  • Why are your clients buying your service?
  • What is your value as a company?

You need to really understand this before you can truly connect with your target audience.

The answer isn’t as obvious as you may think. I can almost guarantee that it’s not “we use the best cleaning products” or “we clean their stove super well.”

Although you no doubt do those things, that’s probably not the reason why your clients work with you.

Dig a little deeper.

Once you really understand why a client chooses to buy your services, then you can begin to connect the dots between what the cleaning client wants and what you have to offer.

This is called emotional attachment.

Once you know this, it will make all your marketing from there on out as easy as pie.


Because knowing what to say to attract your ideal client will no longer be a matter of guesswork. Once you’ve honed in on exactly why they buy your services and how you solve their pain points, your messaging will write itself.

And the result will be better than you can imagine.

Once you connect the dots between why your client buys from you and how you uniquely solve their pain point, you will end up with loyal clients for life.

Not just clients, but raving fans!

There are four stages to emotional marketing, which you can learn more about in this video.

14. Go Old School With Direct Mail

Great news! Print marketing isn’t dead.

Despite the fact that the majority of promotions and advertising these days are digital, it can pay to have a percentage of your marketing as direct mail.

Much of what we’ve already talked about will apply to your direct mail strategy. You must still be hyper-targeted about who your target client is, the neighborhoods you want to focus on and your offer.

There are three things you need to have for a successful direct mail campaign:

1. A Compelling Message

Is your message hyper-targeted, clear and enticing enough to act on?

2. A CTA With an Expiry Date

A huge mistake a lot of maid service owners make in their marketing is not including a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages people to take action.

“Buy now!” is not a good CTA.

‘Yes! I want a sparkling clean house today!’ is better.

PRO-TIP: Include an expiry date on the offer.

3. A Coupon Code

A unique coupon code will a) make it easy for customers to purchase and take advantage of the offer and b) enable you to track the sales campaign ROI later on.

Do not discount design!

A flyer created in Microsoft Word using dated clipart and a weird font is not going to help your message stand out or even get noticed, for that matter.

What it will do, however, is get it thrown in the trash.

Think of the actual mailed piece — the flyer, brochure, postcard, etc. — as an investment. Spending a bit of time and effort on the design (or even outsourcing it) can have a substantial impact on the results you achieve.

Our Guide to Direct Mail Marketing offers more detailed information on direct mail and how it can benefit your cleaning business.

15. Make the Most of Your Email Signature

This is often one of the easiest, but most overlooked, marketing tactics you can use.

Utilizing this little piece of marketing real estate for all the emails you send to your clients or prospective clients can be extremely effective.

Creating an email signature doesn’t need to be time consuming, nor does it have to be anything fancy. Simply link to your online reviews, your latest promotion or your referral program.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to direct your email readers to more information about your cleaning company, so make sure you don’t miss it!

Email Signatures That Get More Cleanings gives you the details on what information you should consider having in your email signature.

16. Optimize Your Cleaning Business Website

Make no mistake, your cleaning business needs a website.

In today’s online business world, it’s a non-negotiable.

Your website needn’t be design-intensive or complicated, but it does have to look professional. At minimum, it shouldn’t have any glaring errors (404s, etc.) and accessing your company’s most important information (contact details, service offerings, price plan, hours, etc.) should be easy.

Once you have your new website set up (or your current one optimized), this video will help you drive traffic to it.

Use SEO strategies to help prospective customers find your company when they search for a cleaning service online. SEO can also give your users the best possible experience while browsing and navigating your website.

Making your website easy to navigate will also ensure more visits and more clients. Your contact information should be easily accessible on each page, as should the schedule you offer.

Go one step further and create an “easy to send” form for customers to set up appointments with your cleaning business.

17. Give Google Ads a Try

While it’s only one of the options for your cleaning ads — and is one of the more expensive ideas on this list — Google Ads has one distinct advantage: targeted objective.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can have huge potential for a growing cleaning services business. Potential clients already have the intention of finding a cleaning business, you just need to convince them to click on your company’s ad.

Having keywords that include your city, such as “best cleaners,” “home (or residential) cleaning,” or “maid service” can help you rise to the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages).


4 Ads to increase your cleanings TODAY

Want Google Ads that actually work? We’re handing you 4 real ads you can use right now to start booking more cleaning clients.

  • 4 ready-to-use Google Ads for maid services
  • The must-know formatting and style secrets for ad success
  • Step-by-step guide to writing ads that convert visitors into paying customers
Start boosting your business with ads that actually work. Get your ads now!

To set up a successful Google Ads campaign, watch this how-to video from maid service marketing expert Landon Sandford.

18. Tap Into Social Media

Along with an SEO-optimized website, you also need to be active on social media.

Rather than try to be everywhere, a better (and more doable) approach is to pick the one or two platforms that your ideal clients use and do them well.

If you choose to use Facebook, start a business page, add the relevant contact info, upload some photos and activate your messenger autoresponder.

As it’s primarily a visual medium, Instagram can also be a fantastic platform for cleaning services.

It’s the perfect place to share before and after photos and customer testimonials. Use the stories feature to share behind the scenes or “day in the life” videos and photos. (Customers love to see the ‘human’ behind the brand!)

If you are wondering what else to share on social media, why not post quick cleaning tips and easy DIYs for your friends, family and customers to try out.

Got a great hack to get stains out of carpets or to get those bathtubs gleaming? Share it on Facebook or Instagram!

For Instagram, it pays to take a bit of time to explore some relevant hashtags to use on your posts. A best practice for this is to find hashtags that have less than a million posts, but more than a thousand (fewer than this means no one uses them or is searching for them).

Here is a quick trick for finding related hashtags and seeing how many posts they have.

Here is a quick trick for finding related hashtags and seeing how many posts they have.

  • Click on the search icon (magnifying glass)
  • Select ‘Tags’
  • Type in a generic tag to start (e.g. cleaning or cleaning tips)
  • Choose a tag that has less than 1 million posts (under 500K is better)
  • Click the tag to see the posts
  • Look at the ‘related’ hashtags along the top (above the photos/posts)
  • Choose another tag from the ‘related tags’ to see how many posts it has
  • Keep going until you have several relevant hashtags with under 500K posts
  • Create a list of 10-30 (maximum allowed) hashtags to use on your posts
  • Remember to search for local hashtags: try your city or neighborhood + cleaning/maid service/housecleaning

PRO TIP: Create 2-3 different, but related, sets of hashtags to use on your posts. This way you avoid ‘spamming’ the same hashtags over and over.

For more tips and advice on how to maximize your social media presence, watch this video.

19. Create a Promotional Video

A promo video might seem intimidating to create, but it doesn’t have to be!

My article, How to Create an Explainer Video for Your Maid Service, outlines how I got an animated explainer video created for my cleaning business Fast Friendly Spotless for less than $25! (Yes, you read that correctly!)

An engaging and well produced video can go a long way to converting potential cleaning clients into loyal customers.

Not only will the information and process be clear to them, your company will also look professional and slick!

Additionally, if you have this video listed on your YouTube channel or linked with the correct keywords, your video will show up in searches for people looking for cleaning services in your area.

Another option is to set up your phone and record a video of yourself explaining how your company’s services differ from your competitors as well as how to go about booking a cleaning with you.

People love to see the humans behind the brand — so don’t be afraid of showing your face!

(Make sure your video is well lit and the sound is good, but don’t think you need to have a studio perfect video.)

If you are thinking about getting a promotional video made, read this article to find out the mistakes to avoid. And in case you haven’t seen it already, here is the ZenMaid animated explainer video.

20. Embrace the Art of Video Marketing

A key component to effective marketing is building authentic relationships with current and prospective clients. Video can be one way to do this.

With technology always at our fingertips these days, watching a cleaning company’s video is easier than ever. So, don’t be too quick to discount video as a promotional tool.

Customers love to know that there is a human behind the brand. Use video to showcase yourself as the owner, your team, your clients and the work that you do.

Video can also serve as a highly effective way to communicate your brand story and the value you bring to your cleaning clients.

4 Best Practices for Creating Effective Video

Creating an effective video for your maid service does not have to be complicated or expensive. How you create the video is often less important than implementing a few best practices. Keep these four things in mind when creating your video:

1. Show Them You Are Human

Introduce yourself. Tell your audience something about yourself, your family, why you started this company, and your favorite thing to do. A little bit of personalization can go a long way to showing your customers that you are a real person too.

2. Talk About Them

More than anything, your videos should focus on your cleaning clients. How do you and your team help them? How will they feel after your team has made their house spotless? Why do they deserve to have someone else do the cleaning for them?

Whatever angle you take, always ask, “What’s in it for them?” As much as we like to think that people are interested in us, what they really want to know is what’s in it for them!

3. Present Yourself in a Good Light

Make sure that whatever you are filming — yourself, a space in a home, your team — is well lit and easy to view. This doesn’t mean you need a fancy lighting setup; natural light is often best. If you are speaking to a camera indoors, position yourself near a window. If you are outside, steer clear of direct sunlight.

Should you discover that video is really working for your cleaning business, you may want to invest in a ring light down the line. This will help you achieve a well lit result when recording indoors.

4. Get to the Point

Whatever your video is about — get to the point!

People are inundated with messages, offers and media these days. Their attention span is short, to say the least.

If you are creating a video with a helpful cleaning tip — avoid the preamble and jump right to the juicy stuff. Speaking about your latest promotion or offer? Don’t talk about the weather, just tell them what they’ll get!

This doesn’t mean you need to be robotic or devoid of personality. Let your character shine through as you speak. The best way to attract your tribe is to be yourself.

Be respectful of your viewers’ time and give them what they came for. That’s how you’ll not only get cleaning business clients, but keep them, too.

See the section on social media for ideas on how to use video on platforms like Instagram Stories.

PRO-TIP: If you end up creating a lot of video content or have videos that you intend to keep on the main pages of your website, add captions. Research shows that the majority of people watch video with the sound off. Captions mean they can still get your message, even without the sound.

21. Use Directories

It’s likely that you already have your cleaning service listed on a few directories.

Yelp and Angie’s List are usually the most common go-to directories. But, did you know that there are at least 30 directories that you could potentially list your cleaning services on?

This is a task that, once done, can pay dividends over and over again. Schedule some time in your calendar this week to create listings on every one of these sites. (Better yet, outsource it to your VA.)

You might be thinking, “30 directories, great! But how do I find them all?”

Don’t fear — I’ve got you covered!

ZenMaids’ Ultimate Guide to Business Directories not only lists the places your cleaning service should be listed on, it also includes a handy tracking form to help you keep track of your progress.

If you don’t have time to go through it right now, bookmark the article for later.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Stop

Just like any industry, there are natural buying cycles in the home cleaning business, too.

The key to effective marketing is to have a strong foundational marketing strategy coupled with the understanding that there will be ebbs and flows to people buying your services.

Once you find a strategy that works for you, you must remain consistent in your marketing efforts.

By that I mean, even when times are good, don’t stop marketing!

Marketing only when business slows down will put you in panic mode. You’ll start throwing money at any and all tactics to get more leads in the door.

That’s the wrong way to market.

It’s also when I hear frustrated cleaning service business owners complain that marketing doesn’t work, that it’s a waste of money.

The reason it didn’t work was because it was a reactive response to an ebb in the market.

Effective marketing is unique to your cleaning business. What’s working for the maid service in the next city, may not also work for you.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business

To recap, the key to effective marketing of any kind is to:

  • Be strategic about your brand
  • Understand the 3 pillars of effective marketing
  • Be crystal clear on your target cleaning client
  • Know the value that your cleaning service provides
  • Keep marketing!

Follow the how-to guides above to better understand how to be strategic in your marketing. Then, employ some of the great marketing ideas included here to increase your leads, up your revenue and grow your cleaning services business!

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