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Get Testimonials for Your Cleaning Business [infographic]

Last updated on August 11 2023

It’s easy to underestimate the power of strong testimonials for your business. But why is this so important, I hear you ask.

A customer is 63% more likely to purchase from a site with customer reviews. Customer reviews are reported to be 12 times more important than descriptions from the company.

But don’t worry.

Getting awesome testimonials for your Maid Service is easier than you might think…

Any good cleaning business software should help your business to collect testimonials and reviews from your customers.

Today I wanted to share with you a recent infographic from which covers why and how you should go about collecting real Maid Service testimonials.

How great maid service software will help you build your business with testimonials

Our maid service software, ZenMaid, follows up with your customers automatically after appointments so you don’t have to. Imagine getting feedback and requesting a testimonial with 100% consistency and what that could do for your business.

You and your Maid Service deserve a little peace and quiet. Sign up for your free trial today at and discover the freedom and clarity that ZenMaid can bring to your Maid Service!

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