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Maid Service Expert Michelle Myers Founder and CEO of Pink Callers

Last updated on August 10 2023

Michelle L. Myers is the founder and CEO of Pink Callers, an administrative support solution that assigns remote office staff to field service businesses working on ZenMaid and other softwares. Pink Callers can accept incoming calls, emails, and chats to your business, input all information into your CRM and schedule both sales appointments and accepted crew work. Pink Callers can also accept payments, make outgoing followup calls, or send emails for your business.

Articles by Michelle Myers

Implementing a Foolproof 5-Stage Sale Process with Mike Michalowicz

Use a VA To Scale Your Maid Service

Top Videos from Michelle Myers

Podcasts with ZenMaid and Michelle Myers

Who should work with Michelle Myers?

To learn more about how hiring a remote team can help you grow your cleaning business, check out Michelle’s website Pink Callers.

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