5 Common Issues Maid Services Face โ€” And How to Fix Them

Last Updated on October 7, 2024 by The ZenMaid Team

Hey, Amar here, the CEO and Founder of ZenMaid. Iโ€™ve been in the cleaning industry for over a decade and so Iโ€™ve seen a lot. Itโ€™s safe to say, running a maid service isnโ€™t for the faint of heart. There are a lot of ups and downs and some really annoying parts. So in this article, Iโ€™m admitting the top five frustrating parts of running and maid service and how to fix them. 

If youโ€™re a โ€˜skip to the last chapterโ€™ kind of reader, hereโ€™s what those top five factors are:

  1. Dealing with difficult clients (and maybe even firing them *gasp*)ย 
  2. Last-minute cancellations
  3. Getting negative reviews
  4. No-show employees
  5. Endless admin tasks

[Fun fact: We originally wrote this blog post as an email series in our weekly newsletter. We called it the ๐Ÿ’ฅChaos Series๐Ÿ’ฅ. If you like helpful, free resources, join 20,000 maid service owners in our newsletter community.]

Now, letโ€™s get into the good stuff โ€” what to do when you want to give up, starting with dealing with difficult clients. 


1. Dealing With Difficult Cleaning Clients 

First things first: difficult conversations with clients are inevitable. Every veteran maid service has had them to get where theyโ€™re at. Maybe youโ€™ve been accused of a cleaner stealing or breaking something in a client home. Maybe a client wants a refund for a clean that wasnโ€™t up to their standards. Or maybe, you just have a client who likes to complain aboutโ€ฆ well, everything. 

Let’s be honest, no one enjoys difficult conversations. But in any service industry, they’re bound to happen. Whether it’s a tough performance review or parting ways with a problematic client, these confrontations can actually be positive and productive when handled correctly.

Before jumping into the how-to, letโ€™s rewind. Could this situation have been avoided with some foresight? Murphyโ€™s law is always lurking: โ€œanything that can go wrong will go wrongโ€. So, be proactive instead of reactive. Here are three key questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have a comprehensive contract? – Ensure your contract covers all bases, including complaint, termination, and payment policies.
  • Were you and your client on the same page from the start? – Open communication is crucial.
  • Did you provide a way for your client to complain? – Accessible complaint channels can prevent minor issues from escalating.


When is it finally time to fire a client?

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a client relationship just doesn’t work out. Here are some signs itโ€™s time to part ways:

  • You dread their calls: If just seeing their number makes you want to hide under your desk, it might be time to say goodbye.
  • Low profits: If theyโ€™re not contributing to your bottom line, focus on more profitable clients.
  • Employee complaints: If your team is unhappy or feels unsafe, prioritize their well-being.
  • False accusations: Serious accusations like theft can be grounds for immediate termination.
  • Chronic cancellations: Consistent abuse of your cancellation policy is a big red flag.
  • Payment issues: Regularly chasing payments is not a good use of your time.


Five Steps to Fire a Client Kindly

Firing a client is a last resort, but sometimes necessary. Hereโ€™s how to do it with grace:

  • Fulfill your contract if possible: Unless there’s immediate justification (like verbal abuse), try to honor your agreement.
  • Communicate professionally: Stay polite and avoid letting emotions drive the conversation.
  • Have a plan: Offer recommendations for other services. This shows you care about their needs even as you part ways.
  • Deliver the news professionally: A 30-day notice is standard. Follow up to ensure theyโ€™ve received it.
  • Keep it brief: No need for lengthy explanations. Be concise, clear, and professional.

You can read our full guide on this topic right here: Difficult Cleaning Client? Hereโ€™s How to Fire Them Kindly

Advice from my industry expert friends:

Even industry veterans have fired difficult clients. Hereโ€™s some wisdom from those whoโ€™ve been there:

  • Courtney Wisely (Magic Maids):

โ€œI love making homes sparkle, but I want you to be 100% satisfied. I think another service might be a better fit for you. Hereโ€™s a recommendation for someone with a different approach.โ€

  • Maria Montserrat Dorian – Owner of The Villages Maid Service (and former owner of Welcome Home Cleaning Services):

โ€œBe honest and human. If you’re struggling, say so: โ€œThis is a difficult conversation for me. I can no longer clean for you. Hereโ€™s a recommendation that might suit you better.โ€


2. Last-Minute Cancellations

Weโ€™ve all been here: Youโ€™re all set for a busy day when you get this message:

โ€œHi. Canโ€™t make our appointment today. Can you come tomorrow instead?โ€

DUN DUN DUNNN. Itโ€™s the dreaded last-minute cancellation. Not cool, but it happens. Iโ€™ve got some tips to help you create a cancellation policy that works for everyone.


Why do you need a Cancellation Policy for Your Maid Service?

Imagine this: Youโ€™re ready to send your team to Mrs. Smithโ€™s house, only to find out that she canceled because her kiddo is home sick with the flu. While we sympathize, last-minute cancellations like these can be a long-term problem. Hereโ€™s why a solid cancellation policy is essential:

  • Protect your income: Ensure you’re compensated for lost time and resources.
  • Maintain order: Keep your schedule organized and your team busy.
  • Set expectations: Clearly communicate with clients about what to expect.


Writing the Perfect Cancellation Policy

Creating a cancellation policy doesnโ€™t have to be overwhelming. Here are some fun, easy steps to get you started:

  • Communicate upfront: From the moment you sign a new client, make sure theyโ€™re aware of your cancellation policy. Mention it during your first walkthrough or include it in their welcome packet. You can even use ZenMaid to send automatic reminders before each appointment.

Example: “Hi Mrs. Smith, just a friendly reminder of our 24-hour cancellation policy. We know unexpected things happen, so please let us know at least 24 hours in advance to be fully refunded for your appointment.โ€

  • Keep it visible: Your cancellation policy should be easy to find. Post it on your website, in an email reminder to the client when they sign up for services, and even in your office if you have one.

Pro Tip: If your policy is hidden on your site, itโ€™s like having a secret cookie stash. No one can find it, and then everyoneโ€™s sad.

  • ๐ŸผUse simple language: Keep your policy clear and straightforward. Your clients shouldnโ€™t need a law degree to understand it!

Example: “If you need to cancel, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations within 24 hours will incur a fee of $50 or 50% of the service price, whichever is higher.”

  • State your fees clearly: Be upfront about any cancellation fees. This helps prevent any awkward surprises and ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Provide easy contact options: Make it simple for clients to reach you if they need to cancel. Include your phone number, email, or even an automated cancellation form on your website.

Want some more Cancellation Policy Templates? Read the full article with templates included.


3. Getting Negative Reviews

I’ve felt that stomach-sinking feeling in my maid service when a negative review rolled in. It’s the worst. But as discouraging as it can be, negative reviews can be spun into something helpful. 

So I’ve rounded up my favorite tips to help you navigate those dreaded moments.


How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Take a deep breath and remain calm 

First, take a deep breath. Yes, I’m serious – hear me out! Your brain is firing off stress alarms, but you need to remain calm and collected. A deep breath signals to your brain that everything is under control, helping you respond more thoughtfully.

Respond quickly 

Once you’re zen, respond swiftly. Aim to address the review within a business day. Quick responses help you control the narrative before it spirals. It also shows that you care – to the client who left the negative review, and to the potential customer who is scrolling through your reviews. 

Address the specific issues raised in the review 

Read the review carefully and address the specific concerns raised. Show your customer that you take their feedback seriously and are committed to resolving their issues. A good strategy is to take the conversation offline. โ€œWeโ€™re so sorry to hear about your experience. Please contact us directly at [support email] so we can make this right.โ€

Offer a solution 

Depending on the issue, offer a solution โ€” be it a refund, a free service, or a discount on future services. Remember to be polite and respectful. If you feel your stress levels rising, revert to step one: breathe.

Encourage positive reviews 

Balance the scales by encouraging happy customers to leave positive reviews. After a successful service, send a friendly email with a review link. โ€œWe loved working with you! If youโ€™re satisfied with our service, please consider leaving a review here [link].โ€

Prevent future negative reviews 

Take active steps to prevent future negative reviews by continuously improving your service. Train your team, evaluate customer service protocols, and address any recurring issues.

Learn from them

Use negative reviews as a learning tool. Reflect on the feedback and make necessary changes to prevent similar issues in the future. Every negative review is an opportunity to grow and improve.

Respond with Templates 

To make things a little easier, we’ve got 5 easy-to-use editable templates for you. Download them for free.

Remember, negative reviews aren’t the end of the world. They can help you improve and show potential customers your commitment to excellent service.


4. Cleaning Employee No-Shows

Nothing throws your schedule into chaos more than a cleaner no-show. Am I right? So, what do you do when an employee no-shows? My friend Stephanie Pipkin, has a few genius tips she uses in her cleaning business, Serene Clean.

First, letโ€™s talk long-term. Stephanie swears by having an on-call employee who can automatically fill in for no-shows, drama-free. You could even have on-call days built into your schedule, or try to hold availability with your regular staff toward the end of the week. That way, if someone calls in sick earlier in the week, you can push those appointments to the available spots. While it can be easier said than done, ultimately, these options help reduce the chances of you having to jump into the field to fill in the gaps.

Of course, if everyone shows up as planned, you can always go to your waitlist, offer a last-minute opening on social media, or even give someone the afternoon off (thereโ€™s usually at least one person who wouldnโ€™t mind that).

But what about those nightmare days when youโ€™ve got 5 cleaners out??

Stephanieโ€™s been there too, and sometimes, you just have to cancel or reschedule the less time-sensitive appointments with your most understanding clients. If thatโ€™s the case, honesty is the best policy — and remember to sprinkle in that human element.

People are more empathetic than we give them credit for, but just make sure it doesnโ€™t become a habit with the same clients. After all, we sell our services on dependability, and that trust is hard to rebuild if we break it too often.

One last scheduling tip: Hire some part-timers who are open to a flexible schedule. Theyโ€™re more likely to roll with the punches, whether that means fewer hours or more hours depending on the week. Itโ€™s a bit of a balancing act, but having that flexibility on your team can save you a lot of stress when things go off course.

At the end of the day, things happen. But having a plan in place โ€” even a backup one โ€” can make all the difference in keeping your business running smoothly. And if all else fails, just remember: A little transparency and empathy go a long way with your clients.


5. Endless Admin Tasks

A lot of people start a cleaning business feeling confident about the actual cleaning part. But what many donโ€™t realize is just how much admin work comes with it. Scheduling appointments, tracking payments, managing client details, coordinating with your team โ€” the list goes on. And letโ€™s be real, trying to juggle all of that with pen and paper, or even a bunch of scattered digital tools, can quickly become overwhelming.

This is exactly why I started ZenMaid. I wanted to create a simple, intuitive scheduling software that would take the headache out of all those admin tasks. With ZenMaid, you donโ€™t have to be a tech whiz to run your business smoothly. Itโ€™s designed to be user-friendly for everyone on your team, and our customer support team is always there to help you get everything set up and running seamlessly. Weโ€™ll even handle the integration of all your existing information so you can hit the ground running.

Hereโ€™s how ZenMaid takes those endless admin tasks off your plate:

  • Automated Scheduling: Set up recurring appointments and manage your calendar with ease, so youโ€™re not juggling multiple tools or missing any bookings.
  • Client Management: Store all your client information in one place, making it simple to access details, track communications, and stay organized.
  • Automated Reminders: Send appointment confirmations, reminders, and follow-ups automatically via email or text, saving you hours every week.
  • Team Coordination: Keep your cleaning team on the same page with job-specific notes and GPS-enabled mobile apps for clocking in and out of jobs.
  • Instant Quotes and Booking: Allow clients to book services directly through your website with our easy-to-use booking form, and receive instant notifications.
  • Live Support: Get personalized help from our team of experts, including maid service owners who understand your business inside and out.

Imagine having all your client info, schedules, and team communications in one place, automated reminders going out without you lifting a finger, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business is running smoothly โ€” even when youโ€™re not glued to your desk.

Start running a smoother, more organized maid service with ZenMaid and see what a difference it makes.

Youโ€™ve Got This!

I hope this helps you during those moments when you want to throw in the towel. And remember, youโ€™re not alone. Our team at ZenMaid is always cheering you on, and so are the 8,000+ maid service owners in our free Facebook Mastermind if you ever need a pep talk.


Amar is the founder and CEO of ZenMaid Software, Inc. He started and ran Fast Friendly Spotless, a maid service in Orange County, CA. With the help of customized software to automate work he successfully operated the service in under 30 minutes per day. He created ZenMaid scheduling software to help other maid service owners do the same.

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