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21 Cleaning Post Ideas for Social Media Content

Last updated on December 6 2024

Brought to you by expert maid service owners

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You know that a big part of promoting your maid service business is being active on social media. But, constantly trying to think of new topics to post about can be overwhelming and time consuming.

That’s not a good combination when you have a busy company to take care of. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together 21 cleaning post ideas for social media that’s sure to unleash a torrent of traffic to your website.

In his great talk at ZenMaid’s 2019 Maid Summit, Mark Lane discussed the various ways in which you can grow your cleaning business with effective web and social media strategies

Be sure to check that out and see how you can use his advice in tandem with our content ideas to make a success of your social media efforts and get those all important leads rolling in.

21 Cleaning Post Ideas for Social Media Content

The editorial inspiration for your social media calendar is all around you. We’ve highlighted a combination of evergreen and time-specific ideas to get you started. Once you get into the swing of things, you’ll more than likely come up with even more things to share with your audience.

1. Company Blog Posts

Hopefully you’ve been creating blog posts for your maid service website. If not, this is definitely something you should start doing. Blogging not only boosts your SEO, it’s also great material to share with your community on social media.

People won’t always remember to visit your blog (even if they enjoy it), so sharing new posts on Facebook, etc. lets them know when there’s new content. They’ll be happy you reminded them.

2. Company Culture

You run a great business. You have awesome cleaners. And you all have a lot of fun working together. So, why not make a point of showcasing that on your company’s various social media profiles. 

Sharing these behind-the-scenes types of posts gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience on a more human level. People love it, because they feel like there’s more to the brand than service offerings.

3. Industry News

What’s going on in the industry? Are there updates your audience might want to hear about? Sharing industry trends keeps you in the loop and it’s of interest to your customers.

You could share the latest statistics, offer news and updates such as supply chain problems and provide insight into how the industry is tackling issues like sustainability.

4. Curated Content

Sharing curated content is a win/win. It’s a chance to highlight what others in your niche are up to, while at the same time providing additional value to your followers by telling them about something they might otherwise not have known about.

As an added bonus, curated content is also an easy win for your editorial efforts. Instead of ‘thinking up’ something new, you simply share what’s already available.

5. Promote Your Partners

Do you work with any great partners? What are you doing in the community that your customers might enjoy knowing about? Perhaps you partner with Cleaning for a Reason or some other organization.

Share this stuff! While you’re obviously not partnering with them for the PR, showing customers that you’re a brand that cares benefits everyone. And besides, people love ‘feel good’ stories.

6. Answer FAQs

Are there some questions that just keep coming up? Perhaps new customers always ask the same things about your service. Existing customers might also have queries that you constantly find yourself answering.

Sharing the answers to these questions on your website and social media profiles can be super helpful. It allows people to find the information they need quickly and easily and it’ll probably mean less time answering questions for you and your staff. Graphic of blue question mark on pink background

7. How-To Videos

You’re a cleaning pro. Why not create some video content that highlights your areas of expertise? Prospective customers will see that you know your stuff and you’re sure to help people make their world shine, too. 

You don’t even need any fancy equipment. With the quality of smartphone cameras nowadays, video marketing for your maid service is easier than ever.

8. Customer Reviews & Testimonials

People love people. And they especially love seeing other people happy. It’s human nature to take pleasure in someone else’s joy. Why not share some stories and feedback from happy customers? 

If they’re open to it, you could show before and after photos of their home. Another option is to share a photo of a delighted customer with your cleaning team. Make no mistake, customer reviews can do wonders for your business.

9. Memes or GIFS

As much as your reason for being active on social media is to promote your cleaning business, what you share doesn’t always have to be serious.

Sharing memes and GIFs is a great way to keep the tone light and provide some comic relief for those in your audience. GIPHY has lots of GIFs to choose from and you can also make your own memes.

10. Contests & Giveaways

Running a contest is an amazing way to draw attention to your business. You could offer a free cleaning, a gift voucher or a gift of some kind (branded mugs, chocolates, etc.). 

People love freebies almost as much as they love people. Whatever prize you decide to go with, your audience will happily share and like your post if there’s a chance of winning something.

11. Highlight the Holidays

Special occasions like Mothers’ Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Independence Day and so on can be a real boon for your social media efforts. Most people celebrate at least some of the holidays, so why not ride that wave?

There are so many great opportunities to celebrate with your audience. It could be something as simple as wishing them a Happy [Holiday]. Alternatively, you can use the occasion to run promotions or giveaways to get more engagement.

12. Share Events

Make sure you share any events happening in your local area. This is helpful for your community and can serve as some welcome PR if you happen to be a sponsor.

If you have the time, why not organize your own event? Networking (which is essentially what an event is) is a fantastic way to attract more cleaning clients.

When sharing your content on social media, be sure to use the correct hashtags. We’ve also put together the 47 keywords you NEED to know to get your content seen. Check them out!


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13. Ask for Customer Feedback

People love to feel heard. Showing that you care enough to listen and take note of what your audience has to say can be a huge win for your business. It also builds customer loyalty.

Create a survey asking customers for feedback and share the link on social media. Share the results and make a point of actioning helpful feedback if the opportunity presents itself.

14. Company News Announcements

There’s enough bad news being shared on a daily basis. Do your bit to turn the negative tide by sharing exciting news about your business. Whether you’re moving to bigger offices, celebrating a work-versary (x years in business) or have just hired a new team member, tell your audience about it.

Letting your audience celebrate the wins with you lets them feel like they’re a part of things.  This will also help to keep you top of mind the next time a friend asks them for a maid service recommendation.

15. Customer Case Studies

We all have great client stories to share. Why not show the difference you can make in people’s lives by highlighting what you’ve done for others? Using social proof to market your business benefits you and your potential customers.

You could write a blog post or create a video for each of them. Ask your customers if they’d be interested in doing an interview with you to share their experience working with your company. More often than not they’ll be happy to oblige.

16. Job Listings

Are you hiring new cleaners? Why not post about it on your social media channels. You never know, your next cleaning all-star might be lurking in your Facebook follower list.

Don’t just write about the job opening, though. Go the extra mile and create an attractive image to go with it. With free tools like Canva, you don’t even need to hire a designer to create social media graphics.

17. Image Scrambles

Another great one to keep it fun and light. Take a super close-up photo of one of your cleaning products or a piece of cleaning equipment and ask followers to guess what it is.

People love puzzles, so this is a surefire way to drive up comments and engagement on your post and, if you’re consistent about posting a good mix of content, on your page, too.  Inspirational quote graphic

18. Inspirational Quotes

Are there any quotes that accurately describe your company culture? Who do you look up to? Who inspires you and your team?  Why not share their words and wisdom?

Quotes are a great way to show your company values and provide inspiration and motivation to your audience. Sometimes a few well placed words is all it takes to make someone’s day.

19. Company History

Do your fans know how you got started? Do they know anything much about the founder? If not, why not? Talk a bit about yourself. This will help your audience to feel more connected with you and more rooted in your success.

Sharing these kinds of posts also serves as a nice break from the sales-focused kind. As important as those are, your audience doesn’t always want to hear about your latest special.

20. Promote New Products

Have you recently started using a new product? If you’re happy with the results, then shout about it from the rooftops. Your customers will be delighted to hear that you’re using the good stuff to clean their homes.

Fostering good relationships with your suppliers rarely goes amiss. And who knows, perhaps you’ll even become their go-to distributor? Either way, it’s good to make a point of promoting good products.

21. Reshare Top Performing Posts

Some of these posts will perform better for your business than others. That’s just how it works on social media. Why not use that to your advantage by re-sharing the posts that do well. 

Recycling evergreen content a few times a year is an easy win for your editorial calendar. And besides, with so much content on your audience’s social media feed, they’re unlikely to remember that they’ve already seen it.

It’s Time to Get Social

With 21 cleaning post ideas in your back pocket you’re unlikely to lack inspiration the next time you sit down to plan out your social media calendar. Remember though, these are just ideas.

Feel free to mix it up and make them work for you and your specific brand. We might all be in the cleaning business, but no two maid service companies are exactly alike. Use your unique attributes to your advantage when creating your posts.

Don’t forget to check out the replay of Mark’s talk, as well as presentations from over 40 other cleaning industry experts at the 2019 Maid Summit. There’s a wealth of information to tap into to grow your cleaning business.

This talk first aired at the 2019 Maid Service Success Summit.

The Maid Summit is an annual online event that brings together the most successful leaders in the cleaning industry, like Debbie Sardone, Angela Brown, Courtney Wisely, Amy Caris, Chris Schwab and more. Get free access to masterclasses and workshops that will help you to grow, scale and automate your cleaning business so you can get more leads and create more profit. Make sure you’re on our email list to find out how to get free tickets to the next event.

Great marketing will help your business to grow quickly. And when it does, you’re going to need to make sure all of your systems are as automated as possible. ZenMaid can help to bring a little calm to your maid service.


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