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ZenMaid Podcast Episode #2: Featuring Heather Canning

Last updated on August 11 2023

In this episode we go over:

1) How Heather Canning finds quality help running her maid service.

2) Her struggle as a maid service owner with 23 employees.

3) Why she uses W-2 instead of 1099’s for her maid cleaners.

4) What she gains by being part of the ZenMaid Mastermind Group.

Take a Glimpse…

One Organized Mom founder and owner Heather Canning talks about how she and her husband managed to establish her cleaning business eight years ago. Episode 2: Top Contributor Tuesday reveals the inspiring story of One Organized Mom and how they were able to survive within the industry despite extensive competition. with the help of her 23 treasured cleaning professionals, she now serves several clients a day.

Heather admits she’s been struggling (like most cleaning business owners do) with finding individuals that have the quality she’s looking for inline with One Organized Mom’s vision. She shares her #1 asset, which is to be able to adapt to changes in a blink of an eye.

She encourages other cleaning businesses to not be afraid to raise their rates because as long as quality service is being provided, customers will remain loyal. This, coupled with her belief, that as long as a business has happy employees, quality of service will be maintained.

Listen to the full podcast (link above) to hear Courtney and Heather’s discussion of common cleaning business issues.

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and informational podcasts only here at ZenMaid!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Facebook ZenMaid Mastermind Group

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